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Arsenic Methylation by a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium from Paddy Soil Harboring a Novel ArsSM Fusion Protein2024年11月04日
Biofortifying multiple micronutrients and decreasing arsenic accumulation in rice grain simultaneously by expressing a mutant allele of OAS-TL gene2024年11月04日
Haplotype-resolved T2T genome assemblies and pangenome graph of pear reveal diverse patterns of allele-specific expression and the genomic basis of fruit quality traits2024年11月04日
Chromosome-level genome assembly and annotation of Clanis bilineata tsingtauica Mell (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)2024年11月04日
Interference of skeleton photoperiod in circadian clock and photosynthetic efficiency of tea plant: in-depth analysis of mathematical model2024年11月04日
Functional diversification of Sec13 isoforms for storage protein trafficking in rice endosperm cells2024年11月04日
OsAAH confers salt tolerance in rice seedlings2024年11月04日
Knockdown of β-conglycinin α′ and α subunits alters seed protein composition and improves salt tolerance in soybean2024年11月04日
Exploring an economic and highly efficient genetic transformation and genome-editing system for radish through developmental regulators and visible reporter2024年11月04日
Generation of high purity capsanthin and capsorubin through synthetic metabolic engineering in carrot germplasm2024年11月04日
MEMBRANE PROTEIN 1 encoding an amino acid transporter confers resistance to blast fungus and leaf-blight bacterium in rice2024年11月04日
Bifunctional ArsI Dioxygenase from Acidovorax sp. ST3 with Both Methylarsenite [MAs(III)] Demethylation and MAs(III) Oxidation Activities2024年10月09日
A nitrogen-responsive cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase regulates root response to high ammonium in rice2024年10月09日
Abscisic acid-induced H2O2 production positively regulates the activity of SAPK8/9/10 through oxidation of the type one protein phosphatase OsPP472024年10月09日
The Respiratory Burst Oxidase Homologue OsRBOHE is crucial for root hair formation, drought resistance and tillering in rice2024年10月09日
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