
教授、博导,电话/传真: 025-84396246 Email: ghxu@njau.edu.cn
2004.03 - 至今:南京农业大学资源与环境学院,教授(二级,钟山首席A岗)
2007.12 - 2018.11:南京农业大学资源与环境学院,院长
2006.05 - 2007.11:南京农业大学资源与环境学院,副院长(主持工作)
2004.11 - 2004.12:日本农业资源生物研究所(NIAS, 筑波),访问学者
2001.07 - 2004.02:以色列Weizmann Institute of Science, 博士后
2001.01 - 2001.06:以色列Agricultural Research Organization, 博士后
1995.12 - 1996.06:南京农业大学资源与环境学院,副教授
1990.12 - 1995.11:南京农业大学土壤农化系,讲师
1988.09 - 1990.11:南京农业大学土壤农化系,助教
1997.07 - 2000.12:Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,Department of Field Crops, Vegetables and Genetics, PhD candidate
1996.07 - 1997.06:Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment,Department of Field Crops, Vegetables and Genetics, visiting scholar
1985.09 - 1988.08:南京农业大学土壤农化系,植物营养学科,硕士生
1981.09 - 1985.07:南京农业大学土壤农化系,土壤农化专业,本科生
主持多项江苏省教育厅教改研究项目,发表多篇教学教改论文。作为第三完成人,“产学研结合分类培养农业资源与环境本科专业人才的模式与实践”获得国家级教学成果奖二等奖,江苏省教学成果奖特等奖(2009年)。作为第一完成人,“一导向二贯通四协同 - 农科环境类专业人才培养模式构建与实践”获得江苏省教学成果奖二等奖(2017年)。
长期从事土壤与作物营养的理论与施肥技术、植物营养与抗逆分子遗传研究。在Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, Current Biology, Nature Commun, Annu Rev Plant Biol, Mol Plant等权威期刊和其他国际重要学术期刊发表论文200多篇,2014年起连续入选中国高被引学者(Elsevier,农业与生物科学领域),2019、2020、2021年均入选为全球高被引科学家(科睿唯安,植物学和动物学领域),详见:HTTPS://PUBLONS.COM/RESEARCHER/2696019/GUOHUA-XU/
学术期刊编委:Journal of Experimental Botany, Seminars in Cell and Development Biology, Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture(Associated Editor), Frontiers in Plant Science, Scientific Reports,中国农业科学、土壤学报、植物营养与肥料学报、南京农业大学学报等。
第四届国际植物氮素营养组织主席(2016.8 – 2022.3)。
江苏省研究生教育指导委员会农学类主任委员(2018.09 – 2020.06)。
全球高被引科学家(科睿唯安,植物学和动物学领域 2019年至今),全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师(2011年),中国高被引学者(Elsevier,农业与生物科学领域,2014年至今)。
应邀在美国Purdue University, University of Kentucky, University of Utah, UC San Diego, UC Davis, University of Florida等大学,澳大利亚阿德莱德大学、墨尔本大学,以色列希伯来大学、以色列理工学院(Technion),以色列威兹曼科学研究院,日本冈山大学,法国国家农科院,德国汉诺威大学,比利时根特大学,加拿大Alberta大学,肯尼亚埃格顿大学,台湾大学,台湾中研院,台湾宜兰大学等做学术报告。
1. 国家重点研发计划项目:“水稻、小麦养分高效利用性状形成的分子调控网络”,2021年11月至2026年11月,国拨经费:7500万元。项目编号:2021YFF1000400。
2. 国家自然科学基金 – 重点项目:“氮素协同调控水稻生育期和产量及氮素利用效率的机制”,2020年01月至 2024年 12月,直接经费:305万;项目批准号:31930101。
3. 国家自然科学基金 – 国际(地区)合作与交流项目:“INFEWS:US-China: 高湿废弃物与全球循环经济:水热裂解促进食物-能源-水系统可持续循环”,2020年01月至 2023年 12月,直接经费:250万;项目批准号:41961124005。
4. 国家自然科学基金项目:“水稻糖分调控因子OsSPR1及其下游基因OsUGP5在维持碳磷平衡中的功能研究”,2019.01-2022.12,直接经费:60万;项目批准号:31872165。
5. 江苏省种业振兴揭榜挂帅项目:“水稻小麦氮素高效利用基因挖掘及生物育种”,2022年1月至2026年12月,财政拨款:500万;项目编号:1001.
6. 江苏省重点研发计划项目:“氮素高效利用的水稻分子育种技术体系研究”Research on molecular breeding technology system of rice for improving nitrogen use efficiency, 2020年7月至2023年12月,财政拨款:200万;项目批准号:BE2020339.
7. 国家重点研发计划项目:“主要农作物养分高效利用性状形成的遗传与分子基础”,2016.07 - 2021.06,国拨经费:7361万元。项目编号:2016YFD0100700。
8. 国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973计划)项目课题:“氮信号转导与吸收利用协同调控机制”,2011.01-2015.12,经费:550万;课题编号:2011CB100302。
9. 国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973计划)项目课题:“课题名称:氮、磷高效吸收关键基因功能与调控机理”,2006.01-2010.12,经费:450万;课题编号:2005CB120903。
10. 国家转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项课题任务:“水稻氮、磷高效吸收转基因新品种培育”,2008.07-2015.12,总经费:850万;所属课题编号:2008ZX08001-005。
11. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)专题课题:形成丛枝菌根的作物关键基因的功能鉴定和利用,2006至2009年,经费 70万元;编号:2006AA10Z134。
12. 国家自然科学基金项目:“编码二磷酸腺苷葡萄糖焦磷酸酶的OsAGPase3基因在水稻缺氮和缺磷胁迫响应中的功能研究”,2015.01 - 2018.12,经费:95万;项目批准号:31471931。
13. 国家自然科学基金项目:“烟草中菌根和缺磷信号相关转录因子MYCF1和PHR的生理功能及其调控途径解析”,2013.01-2016.12,经费:90万;项目批准号:31272225。
14. 国家自然科学基金项目:“一个编码两个硝酸盐运输蛋白的水稻基因:剪切机制和功能”, 2011.01-2013.12,经费:40万;项目批准号:31071839。
15. 国家自然科学基金项目:“水稻Pht1家族的两个磷酸盐转运体OsPT2和OsPT6的功能解析和利用”,2009.01-2011.12,经费:35万;项目批准号:30871582。
16. 国家自然科学基金项目:“菌根诱导的植物质膜质子泵基因的表达调控和生理功能分析”,2006-01 至 2008-12, 经费:26万;项目批准号:30571108。
17. 国家自然科学基金项目:“用反向遗传学途径研究番茄磷素运输蛋白的生理功能”,2005-01 至 2007-12, 经费:21万;项目批准号:30471037。
18. 国家自然科学基金项目:“氮素形态对旱作水稻水分蒸腾效率和对缺水敏感性影响”,2000-01至 2002-12, 经费:12万;项目批准号:39970449。
19. 国家自然科学基金项目:“谷类作物中后期大量元素叶面营养的作用机理”,1995-01 - 1997-12,经费:7万;项目批准号:C1511。
代表性论文(IF5y > 6, *Corresponding/Senior author):
1. Li KN, Zhang SN*, Tang S, Zhang J, Dong HZ, Yang SH, Qu HY, Xuan W, Gu M, Xu GH*. 2022. Rice transcription factor Nhd1 regulates root growth and nitrogen uptake by activating nitrogen transporters. Plant Physiology. In Press.
2. Dai CR, Dai XL, Qu HY, Men Q, Liu J, Yu L, Gu M*, Xu GH. 2022. The rice phosphate transporter OsPHT1; 7 plays a dual role in phosphorus redistribution and anther development. Plant Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiac030.
3. Chen X, Chen JD, Liao DH, Ye HH, Li C, Luo ZZ, Yan AN, Zhao QC, Xie K, Li YT, Wang DS, Chen J, Chen AQ*, Xu GH*. 2021. Auxin‐mediated regulation of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis: A role of SlGH3. 4 in tomato. Plant Cell & Environment 45(3): 955-968.
4. Sun YF, Song K, Liu L, Sun LJ, Qin Q, Jiang TT, Zhou B, Zhu CH, Xu GH, Sun SB*, Xue Y*. 2021. Sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol synthase 1 impairs glycolipid accumulation and photosynthesis in phosphate-deprived rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 72(18), 6510–6523.
5. Zhang MX, Wang Y, Chen X, Xu FY, Ding M, Ye WX, Kawai Y, Toda Y, Hayashi Y, Suzuki T, Zeng HQ, Xiao L, Xiao X, Xu J, Guo SW, Yan F, Shen QR, Xu GH, Kinoshita T* & Zhu YY*. 2021. Plasma membrane H+-ATPase overexpression increases rice yield via simultaneous enhancement of nutrient uptake and photosynthesis. Nature Communications 12: 735. (Highly cited)
6. Shunan Zhang, Yuyi Zhang, Kangning Li, Ming Yan, Jinfei Zhang, Ming Yu, Shuo Tang, Luyang Wang, Hongye Qu, Le Luo, Wei Xuan, Guohua Xu*. 2021. Nitrogen mediates flowering time and nitrogen use efficiency via floral regulators in rice. Current Biology 31(4):671-683 doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.095. (Highly cited)
7. Zhang J, Gu M*, Liang RSH, Shi XY, Chen LL, Hu X, Wang SC, Dai XL, Qu HY, Li, HH, Xu GH. 2020. OsWRKY21 and OsWRKY108 Function Redundantly to Promote Phosphate Accumulation Through Maintaining the Constitutive Expression of OsPHT1;1 under Phosphate-Replete Conditions. New Phytologist 229(3): 1598-1614. doi: 10.1111/nph.16931. (Highly cited)
8. Meng Q, Zhang WQ; Hu X; Shi XY, Chen LL, Dai XL, Qu HY, Xia YW, Liu W, Gu M*; Xu GH. 2020. Two ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase Subunits, OsAGPL1 and OsAGPS1, Modulate Phosphorus Homeostasis in Rice. The Plant Journal 104(5): 1269-1284. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14998
9. Jia L, Xie Y, Wang Z, Luo L, Zhang C, Pélissier PM, Parizot B, Qi W, Zhang J, Hu Z, Motte H, Le L, Xu G, Beeckman T, Xuan W*. 2020. Rice plants respond to ammonium-stress by adopting a helical root growth pattern. The Plant Journal 104(4): 1023-1037. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14978.
10. Hou MM, Luo FF, Wu DX, Zhang XH, Lou MM, Shen DF, Yan M, Mao CZ, Fan XR, Xu GH, Zhang YL*. 2020. OsPIN9, an auxin efflux carrier, is required for the regulation of rice tiller bud outgrowth by ammonium. New Phytologist 229(2): 935-949. doi: 10.1111/nph.16901.
11. Shang Pan, Yang Wang, Yunpeng Qiu, Dima Chen, Lin Zhang, Chenglong Ye, Hui Guo, Weixing Zhu, Aiqun Chen, Guohua Xu, Yi Zhang*, Yongfei Bai*, Shuijin Hu*. 2020. Nitrogen‐induced acidification, not N‐nutrient, dominates suppressive N effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Global Change Biology 26(11): 6568-6580. doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15311.
12. Guohua Xu*, Hideki Takahashi*. 2020. Improving nitrogen use efficiency: from cells to plant systems. Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (15), 4359-4364.
13. Zhizhong Gong†, Liming Xiong†, Huazhong Shi†, Shuhua Yang†, Luis R. Herrera-Estrella†, Guohua Xu†, Dai-Yin Chao†, Jingrui Li, Peng-Yun Wang, Feng Qin, Jijang Li, Yanglin Ding, Yiting Shi, Yu Wang, Yongqing Yang, Yan Guo* and Jian-Kang Zhu*. 2020. Plant abiotic stress response and nutrient use efficiency. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 63, doi: 10.1007/s11427-020-1683-x († equal contribution). (Highly cited)
14. Shuangshuang Wang, Aiqun Chen*, Kun Xie, Xiaofeng Yang, Zhenzhen Luo, Jiadong Chen, Dechao Zeng, Yuhan Ren, Congfan Yang, Lingxiao Wang, Huimin Feng, Damar Lizbeth Lopez-Arredondo, Luis Rafael Herrera-Estrella*, Guohua Xu* (徐国华)*. 2020. Functional analysis of the OsNPF4.5 nitrate transporter reveals a conserved mycorrhizal pathway of nitrogen acquisition in plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (28) 16649-16659. (Highly cited)
15. Nan Guo, Jinqi Hu, Ming Yan, Le Luo, Hongye Qu, Mechthild Tegeder*, Guohua Xu*. 2020. Oryza sativa Lysine-Histidine-type Transporter 1 functions in root uptake and root-to-shoot allocation of amino acids in rice. The Plant Journal 103(1): 395-411. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14742.
16. Miaoquan Song, Xiaorong Fan, Jingguan Chen, Hongye Qu, Le Luo, Guohua Xu*. 2020. Characterization of OsNAR2.1 interaction with OsNIT1 and OsNIT2 in rice uncovers their different critical roles in mediating root growth response to nitrate and ammonium. Plant Physiology 183(1):289-303.
17. Ai H, Cao Y, Jain A, Wang XW, Hu Z, Zhao GM, Hu SW, Shen X, Yan Y, Liu XL, Sun YF, Lan XX, Xu GH, Sun SB*. 2020. The ferroxidase LPR5 functions in the maintenance of phosphate homeostasis and is required for normal growth and development of rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 71:4828-42.
18. Le Luo, Yali Zhang, Guohu Xu*. 2020. How does nitrogen shape plant architecture? Journal of Experimental Botany 71: 4415-27
19. Huimin Feng, Xiaorong Fan, Anthony J Miller, Guohua Xu*. 2020. Plant nitrogen uptake and assimilation: regulation of cellular pH homeostasis. Journal of Experimental Botany 71: 4380-92. (Highly cited)
20. Junli Liu, Jiadong Chen, Kun Xie, Yuan Tian, Anning Yan, Jianjian Liu, Yujuan Huang, Shuangshuang Wang, Yiyong Zhu, Aiqun Chen*, Guohua Xu*. 2020. A mycorrhiza‐specific H+-ATPase is essential for arbuscule development and symbiotic phosphate and nitrogen uptake. Plant Cell & Environment 43:1069-83.
21. Yafei Sun, Ajay Jain, Yong Xue, Xiaowen Wang, Gengmao Zhao, Lu Liu, Zhi Hu, Siwen Hu, Xing Shen, Xiuli Liu, Hao Ai, Guohua Xu, Shubin Sun*. 2020. OsSQD1 at the crossroads of phosphate and sulfur metabolism affects plant morphology and lipid composition in response to phosphate deprivation. Plant Cell & Environment 43:1669--90.
22. Liu XL, Wang L, Wang XW, Yan Y, Yang XL, Xie MY, Hu Z, Shen X, Ai H, Lin HH, Xu GH, Yang J*, Sun SB*. 2020. Mutation of the chloroplast-localized phosphate transporter OsPHT2;1 reduces flavonoids accumulation and UV tolerance in rice. The Plant Journal 102:53-67.
23. Gao Z, Wang Y, Chen G, Zhang A, Yang S, Shang L, Wang D, Ruan B, Liu C, Jiang H, Dong G, Zhu L, Hu J, Zhang G, Zeng D, Guo L, Xu GH, Teng S, Harberd NP*, Qian Q*. 2019. The indica nitrate reductase gene OsNR2 allele enhances rice yield potential and nitrogen use efficiency. Nature Communication 10(1):5207. (Highly cited)
24. Dan Sun, Hua-Yuan Feng, Xin-Yuan Li, Hao Ai, Shubin Sun, Yanshan Chen, Guohua Xu, Bala Rathinasabapathi, Yue Cao, Lena Q Ma*. 2019. Expression of New Pteris vittata Phosphate Transporter PvPht1; 4 Reduces Arsenic Translocation from the Roots to Shoots in Tobacco Plants. Environmental Science & Technology 54(2), 1045-1053.
25. Xie Y, Wang J, Zheng L, Wang Y, Luo L, Ma M, Zhang C, Han Y, Beeckman T, Xu G, Cai Q, Xuan W*. 2019. Cadmium stress suppresses lateral root formation by interfering with the root clock. Plant Cell & Environment 42 (12), 3182-3196.
26. Dong C, Li F, Yang T, Feng L, Zhang S, Li F, Li W, Xu G, Bao S, Wan X, Lucas WJ, Zhang Z*. 2019. Theanine transporters identified in tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.). The Plant Journal 101 (1), 57-70. (Highly cited)
27. Liu J, Liu J, Liu J, Cui M, Huang Y, Tian Y, Chen A*, Xu G. 2019. The potassium transporter SlHAK10 is involved in mycorrhizal potassium uptake. Plant Physiology 180 (1), 465-479.
28. Cao Y, Feng H, Sun D, Xu G, Rathinasabapathi B, Chen Y, Ma LQ*. 2019. Heterologous Expression of Pteris vittata Phosphate Transporter PvPht1;3 Enhances Arsenic Translocation to and Accumulation in Tobacco Shoots. Environmental Science & Technology 53(18):10636-10644.
29. Huang S, Liang Z, Chen S, Sun H, Fan X, Wang C, Xu GH, Zhang YL*. 2019. A Transcription Factor, OsMADS57, Regulates Long-Distance Nitrate Transport and Root Elongation. Plant Physiology 180(2):882-895.
30. Chang MX, Gu M*, Xia YW, Dai XL, Dai CR, Zhang J, Wang SC, Qu HY, Yamaji N, Ma JF, Xu GH*. 2019. Rice Phosphate Transporter OsPHT1;3 Mediates Uptake, Translocation and Remobilization of Phosphate under Extremely Low Phosphate Regime. Plant Physiology 179(2):656-670. (Highly cited)
31. Luo L*, Takahashi M, Kameoka H, Qin R, Shiga T, Kanno Y, Seo M, Ito M, Xu GH, Kyozuka J*. 2019. Developmental analysis of the early steps in strigolactone-mediated axillary bud dormancy in rice. The Plant Journal 97 (6), 1006-1021 doi: 10.1111/tpj.14266.
32. Chen L, Qin L, Zhou L, Li X, Chen Z, Sun L, Wang W, Lin Z, Zhao J, Yamaji N, Ma JF, Gu M, Xu GH, Liao H*. 2019. A nodule-localized phosphate transporter GmPT7 plays an important role in enhancing symbiotic N2 fixation and yield in soybean. New Phytologist 221(4):2013-2025.
33. Wei J, Zheng Y, Feng HM, Qu HY, Fan XR, Yamaji N, Ma JF, Xu GH*. 2018. Rice OsNRT2.4 gene encodes a dual-affinity nitrate transporter and functions in nitrate-regulated root growth and nitrate distribution. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 1095-1107.
34. Cao Y, Sun D, Chen JX, Mei H, Ai H, Xu G, Chen Y, LQ Ma*. 2018. Phosphate transporter PvPht1; 2 enhances phosphorus accumulation and plant growth without impacting arsenic uptake in plants. Environmental Science & Technology 52: 3975-3981.
35. Zeng Y, Li Q, Wang HY, Zhang J, Du J, Feng HM, Blumwald E, Yu L*, Xu GH*. 2018. Two NHX-type transporters from Helianthus tuberosus improve the tolerance of rice to salinity and nutrient deficiency stress. Plant Biotechnology Journal 16: 310-321.
36. Guohua Xu*. 2018. Sensing and transport of nutrients in plants. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 74: 78-79.
37. Chen AQ*, Gu M, Wang SS, Chen J, Xu GH*. 2018. Transport properties and regulatory roles of nitrogen in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 74: 80-88.
38. Li WH, Xu GH, Alli A. Yu L*. 2018. Plant HAK/KUP/KT K+ transporters: function and regulation. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 74: 133-141.
39. Zhan X*, Zhu M, Shen Y, Yue L, Li J, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Xu G. 2018. Apoplastic and symplastic uptake of phenanthrene in wheat roots. Environmental Pollution 233, 331-339
40. Jia H, Zhang S, Wang L, Yang Y, Zhang H, Cui H, Shao H*, Xu GH*. 2017. OsPht1;8, a phosphate transporter, is involved in auxin and phosphate starvation response in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 5057-5068.
41. Yue Cao, Dan Sun, Hao Ai, Hanyi Mei, Xue Liu, Shubin Sun, Guohua Xu, Yungen Liu, Yanshan Chen, and Lena Q. Ma*. 2017. Knocking out OsPht1;4 gene decreases arsenic uptake by rice plants and inorganic arsenic accumulation in rice grains. Environmental Science & Technology 51: 12131-12138.
42. Xuan W, Beeckman T, Xu GH*. 2017. Plant nitrogen nutrition: sensing and signaling. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 39: 57-65. (Highly cited)
43. Gu M, Zhang J, Li HH, Meng DQ, Li R, Dai XL, Wang SC, Liu W, Qu HY, Xu GH*. 2017. Maintenance of phosphate homeostasis and root development are coordinately regulated by MYB1, an R2R3-type MYB transcription factor in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 3603-3615.
44. Guo H, Zhou H, Zhang J, Guan W, Xu S, Shen W, Xu GH, Xie Y*, Foyer C. 2017. L-cysteine desulfhydrase-related H2S production is involved in OsSE5-promoted ammonium tolerance in roots of Oryza sativa. Plant Cell & Environment 40: 1777-1790.
45. Chen J, Fan XR, Qian K, Zhang Y, Song M, Liu Y, Xu GH, Fan XR*. 2017. pOsNAR2.1:OsNAR2.1 expression enhances nitrogen uptake efficiency and grain yield in transgenic rice plants. Plant Biotechnology Journal 15: 1273-1283.
46. Fan XR; Naz M; Fan XR; Xuan W; Miller AJ; Xu GH* 2017. Plant nitrate transporters: from gene function to application. Journal of Experimental Botany 68(10): 2463–2475. (Highly cited)
47. Wang PT, Zhang WW, Mao CZ, Xu GH, Zhao FJ*. 2016. The role of OsPT8 in arsenate uptake and varietal difference in arsenate tolerance in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 67: 6051-6059.
48. Fan XR, Tang Z, Tan YW, Zhang Y, Luo BB, Yang M, Lian XM, Shen QR, Miller AJ*, Xu GH*. 2016. Overexpression of a pH-sensitive nitrate transporter in rice increases crop yields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113: 7118-7123. (Highly cited)
49. Chen JG, Zhang Y, Tan YW, Zhang M, Zhu LL, Xu GH, Fan XR*. 2016. Agronomic nitrogen-use efficiency of rice can be increased by driving OsNRT2.1 expression with the OsNAR2.1 promoter. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14(8):1705-1715.
50. Sun HW, Bi Y, Tao JY, Huang SJ, Hou MM, Xue R, Ling ZH, Gu PY, Yoneyama K, Xie XN, Shen QR, XU GH, Zhang YL*. 2016. Strigolactones are required for nitric oxide to induce root elongation in response to nitrogen- and phosphate-deficiency in rice. Plant Cell & Environment 39: 1473-84.
51. Gu M, Chen AQ, Sun SB, Xu GH*. 2016. Complex Regulation of Plant Phosphate Transporters and the Gap Between Molecular Mechanisms and Practical Application: What Are Missing? Molecular Plant 9(3): 396-416. (Highly cited)
52. Guang Chen, Qingdi Hu, Le Luo, Tianyuan Yang, Song Zhang, Yibing Hu, Ling Yu*, Guohua Xu*. 2015. Rice potassium transporter OsHAK1 is essential for maintaining potassium mediated growth and functions in salt tolerance over low and high potassium concentration ranges. Plant Cell & Environment 38(12):2747-65. (Highly cited)
53. Xinhua Zhan*, Xiu Yi, Le Yue, Xiaorong Fan, Guohua Xu, and Baoshan Xing. 2015. Cytoplasmic pH-Stat during Phenanthrene Uptake by Wheat Roots: A Mechanistic Consideration. Environmental Science & Technology 49(10):6037-44.
54. Huwei Sun, Jiao Li, Wenjing Song, Jinyuan Tao, Shuangjie Huang, Si Chen, Mengmeng Hou, Guohua Xu and Yali Zhang*. 2015. Nitric oxide generated by nitrate reductase increases nitrogen uptake capacity by inducing lateral root formation and inorganic nitrogen uptake under partial nitrate nutrition in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 66(9): 2449-2459.
55. Guang Chen, Huimin Feng, Qingdi Hu, Hongye Qu, Aiqun Chen, Ling Yu, Guohua Xu*. (2015) Improving rice tolerance to potassium deficiency by enhancing OsHAK16p:WOX11 controlled root development. Plant Biotechnology Journal 13(6): 833-848.
56. Zhang F, Sun Y, Pei W, Jain A, Sun R, Cao Y, Wu X, Jiang T, Zhang L, Fan X, Chen A, Xu G, Sun S*. (2015) Involvement of OsPht1;4 in phosphate acquisition, and mobilization facilitates embryo development in rice. The Plant Journal 82(4), 556-569.
57. Xiudong Xia, Xiaorong Fan, Jia Wei, Huimin Feng, Hongye Qu, Dan Xie, Anthony J Miller, Guohua Xu* (2014) Rice Nitrate Transporter OsNPF2.4 Functions in Low Affinity Acquisition and Long Distance Transport. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (1), 317-331.
58. Yang TY, Zhang S, Hu YB, Wu FC, Hu QD, Chen G, Cai J, Wu T, Moran N, Yu L*, Xu GH*. (2014) The role of OsHAK5 in potassium acquisition and transport from roots to shoots in rice at low potassium supply levels. Plant Physiology 166 (2), 945–959. (Highly cited)
59. Liu X, Huang D, Tao J, Miller AJ, Fan X*, Xu G. (2014) Identification and functional assay of the interaction motifs in the partner protein OsNAR2.1 of the two-component system for high-affinity nitrate transport. New Phytologist 204(1):74-80.
60. Xie YJ, Mao Y, Xu S, Zhou H, Duan XL, Cui W, Zhang J, Xu GH*. (2014) Heme-heme oxygenase1 system is involved in ammonium tolerance by regulating antioxidant defense in Oryza sativa. Plant Cell & Environment 38 (1), 129-143.
61. Yang HB, Zhang X, Gaxiola RA, Xu GH, Peer WA, Murphy AS*. (2014) Over-expression of the Arabidopsis proton-pyrophosphatase AVP1 enhances transplant survival, root mass, and fruit development under limiting phosphorus conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65(12):3045-53.
62. Li YT, Gu M, Zhang X, Zhang J, Fan HM, Li PP, Li ZF, Xu GH* (2014) Engineering a sensitive visual tracking reporter system for real-time monitoring phosphorus deficiency in tobacco. Plant Biotechnology Journal 12 (6), 674-684.
63. Deinlein U, Stephan1 AB, Horie T, Luo W, Xu GH, Schroeder JI*. (2014) Plant Salt-tolerance Mechanisms. Trends in Plant Science 19(6): 371-379. (Highly cited)
64. Wang M, Shen Q, Xu GH, Guo S*. 2014. New insight into the strategy for nitrogen metabolism in plant cells. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology. 310:1-37.
65. Sun HW, Tao JY, Liu SJ, Huang SJ, Chen S, Xie XN, Yoneyama K, Zhang YL*, XU GH (2014) Strigolactones are involved in phosphate and nitrate deficiency-induced root development and auxin transport in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (22), 6735-6746. (Highly cited)
66. Ping Wu*, Huixia Shou, Guohua Xu, Xinming Lian (2013) Improvement of phosphorus efficiency in rice on the basis of understanding phosphate signaling and homeostasis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 16: 205-212. (Highly cited)
67. Zhong Tang, Xiaorong Fan, Qing Li, Huimin Feng, Anthony J. Miller, Qirong Shen, Guohua Xu* (2012) Knock Down of a Rice Stelar Nitrate Transporter Alters Long Distance Translocation but not Root Influx. Plant Physiology 160:2052-2063.
68. Lu Q, Zhao J, Tian J, Chen L, Sun Z, Guo Y, Lu X, Gu M, Xu G, Liao H*. 2012. The high-affinity phosphate transporter GmPT5 regulates phosphate transport to nodules and nodulation in soybean. Plant Physiology 159: 1634-1643.
69. Shubin Sun, Mian Gu, Yue Cao, Xinpeng Huang, Xiao Zhang, Penghui Ai, Jianning Zhao, Xiaorong Fan, Guohua Xu*. 2012. A constitutive expressed phosphate transporter, OsPht1;1, modulates phosphate uptake and translocation in Pi-replete rice. Plant Physiology 159:1571-1581.
70. Xu GH*, Fan XR, Miller AJ. 2012. Plant Nitrogen Assimilation and Use Efficiency. Annual Review of Plant Biology 63: 153-182. (Highly cited)
71. Lixuan Ren*, Yunsheng Lou, Ning Zhang, Xudong Zhu, Wenya Hao, Shubin Sun, Qirong Shen, Guohua Xu. 2012. Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal network in carbon and phosphorus transfer between plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49: 3-11.
72. Yingnan Chen, Xiaorong Fan, Wenjing Song, Yali Zhang, Guohua Xu*. 2012. Over-expression of OsPIN2 leads to increased tiller numbers, angle and shorter plant height through suppression of OsLAZY1. Plant Biotechnology Journal 10(2):139-49.
73. Hongfang Jia, Hongyan Ren, Mian Gu, Jianning Zhao, Shubin Sun, Xiao Zhang, Jieyu Chen, Ping Wu, Guohua Xu*. 2011. Phosphate transporter gene, OsPht1;8, is involved in phosphate homeostasis in rice. Plant Physiology 156: 1164-1175. (Highly cited)
74. Yan M, Fan XR, Feng HM, Miller AJ, Shen QR*, Xu GH*. 2011. Rice OsNAR2.1 interacts with OsNRT2.1, OsNRT2.2 and OsNRT2.3a nitrate transporters to provide uptake over high and low concentration ranges. Plant Cell & Environment. 34:1360-1372.
75. Huimin Feng, Ming Yan, Xiaorong Fan, Baozhen Li, Qirong Shen, Anthony J Miller, Guohua Xu*. 2011. Spatial expression and regulation of rice high-affinity nitrate transporters by nitrogen and carbon status. Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 2319-2332. (Highly cited)
76. Aiqun Chen, Mian Gu, Shubin Sun, Lingling Zhu, Shuai Hong, Guohua Xu*. 2011. Identification of two conserved cis-acting elements, MYCS and P1BS, involved in the regulation of mycorrhiza-activated phosphate transporters in eudicot species. New Phytologist 189:1157-1169.
77. Miller AJ*, Shen QR, Xu GH. 2009. Freeways in the plant: transporters for N, P and S and their regulation. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 12: 284-290.
78. Penghui Ai, Shubin Sun, Jianning Zhao, Xiaorong Fan, Weijie Xin, Qiang Guo, Ling Yu, Qirong Shen, Ping Wu, A.J. Miller, Guohua Xu*. 2009. Two rice phosphate transporters, ORYsa;Pht1;2 and ORYsa;Pht1;6, have different functions and kinetic properties in uptake and translocation. The Plant Journal 57: 798-809. (Highly cited)
79. Zhu Y, DI T, Xu G, Chen X, Zeng H, Yan F, Shen Q*. 2009. Adaptation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase of rice roots to low pH as related to ammonium nutrition. Plant Cell & Environment 32(10): 1428-1440.
80. Chang CR, Hu YB, Sun SB, Zhu YY, Ma GJ, Xu GH*. 2009. Proton pump OsA8 is linked to phosphorus uptake and translocation in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 60: 557-565.
81. Xu GH, Chague V, Melamed-Bessudo C, Kapulnik Y, Jain A, Raghothama KG, Levy AA, Silbere A*. 2007. Functional characterization of LePT4: a phosphate transporter in tomato with mycorrhiza-enhanced expression. Journal of Experimental Botany 58(10): 2491-501.
82. Aiqun Chen, Jiang Hu, Shubin Sun, Guohua Xu*. 2007. Conservation and divergence of both phosphate- and mycorrhiza- regulated physiological responses and expression patterns of phosphate transporters in Solanaceous species. New Phytologist 173: 817-831.
83. Nagy R, Karandasho V, Chague V, Kalinkevich K, Xu GH, Jakobsen I, Levy AA, Amrhein N, Bucher M*. 2005. The characterization of novel mycorrhiza-specific phosphate transporters from Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum tuberrosum uncovers functional redundancy in symbiotic phosphate transport in solanaceous species. The Plant Journal 42: 236-250.
84. Guohua Xu*, Hillel Magen, Jorge Tarchitzky, and Uzi Kafkafi. 2000. Advances in Chloride Nutrition of Plants. Advances in Agronomy 68: 97-150.
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