蒋甲福 博士、教授、博士生导师
1. 个人简介: 1995-1999 南京农业大学 学士学位 1999-2002 南京农业大学 硕士学位 2002-2006 中国科学院植物研究所 博士学位 2006-2007 新加坡国立大学 博士后 2007-2010 美国得州理工大学 博士后 2011.3- 南京农业大学园艺学院 教授,博士生导师
2. 研究方向与承担项目: 研究领域为观赏植物遗传育种与分子生物学,主要从事菊花新基因挖掘、分离与功能鉴 定,生物技术育种等研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金 4 项(No.31171987、31372100、 31572159、31872146) 、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-12-0890)、江苏省自然 科学基金面上项目(BK2012773)和南京农业大学高层次人才引进项目等。
3. 学术兼职: 担任 Plant Molecular Biology、Molecular Breeding、Plant Science、Plant Cell Report 等 SCI 杂志审稿人。中国园艺学会青年分会常务理事及副秘书长,中国菊花研究会、江苏省园艺学 会等会员。
4. 荣誉称号: 先后入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才” 、江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人、江苏省“双 创计划”人才和江苏省“333 高层次人才培养工程”培养对象,荣获“大北农青年学者奖”。
5. 科研成果: 在 Plant Cell、PloS Genetics、Plant Journal、Plant, Cell and Environment、BMC Plant Biology、 BMC Biology、BMC Genomics、Plant Science 和 Plant Cell Report 等国际知名刊物发表 SCI 论文 30 余篇。获授权国家发明专利 6 项,2个菊花品种通过江苏省农作物新品种鉴定(第 1 完成人),参与获得省部级奖项 5 项。 发表文章(*通讯作者): 1) Yanan Liu, Hong Chen, Qi Ping, Zixin Zhang, Zhiyong Guan, Weimin Fang, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen, Jiafu Jiang*, Fei Zhang*. The heterologous expression of CmBBX22 delays leaf senescence and improves drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports (2019) 38:15-24 (*Co-corresponding author)
2) Jing Sun, Peipei Cao, Lijun Wang, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen, Jiafu Jiang*.The loss of a single residue from CmFTL3 leads to the failure of florigen to flower. Plant Science 276 (2018) 99-104
3) Qi Yuyin, Liu Yanan, Zhang Zixin, Gao Jiaojiao, Guan Zhiyong, Fang Weimin, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi, Jiang Jiafu*. The over-expression of a chrysanthemum gene encoding an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase-like 1 enzyme enhances tolerance to heat stress. Horticulture Research(2018)5:37.
4) Peilei Cheng, Bin Dong, Heng Wang, Peipei Cao, Tao Liu, Yanan Liu, Jiaojiao Gao, Yuan Liao, Weimin Fang, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen, Jiafu Jiang*. A Transcriptomic Analysis Targeting Genes Involved in the Floral Transition of Winter-Flowering Chrysanthemum. J Plant Growth Regul. (2018) 37:220-232
5) Peilei Cheng, Jiaojiao Gao, Yitong Feng, Zixin Zhang, Yanan Liu, Weimin Fang, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen, Jiafu Jiang*. The chrysanthemum leaf and root transcript profiling in response to salinity stress. Gene. (2018) 674:161-169
6) Jing Sun, Heng Wang, Liping Ren, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen and Jiafu Jiang*. CmFTL2 is involved in the photoperiod- and sucrose-mediated control of flowering time in chrysanthemum. Horticulture Research (2017) 4, 17001
7) Dong B, Wang H, Liu T, Cheng P, Chen Y, Chen S, Guan Z, Fang W, Jiafu Jiang*, Chen F*. Whole genome duplication enhances the photosynthetic capacity of Chrysanthemum nankingense. Mol Genet Genomics. 2017 Dec; 292(6):1247-1256. (*Co-corresponding author) 8) Dong B, Deng Y, Wang H, Gao R, Stephen GK, Chen S, Jiafu Jiang*, Chen F*. Gibberellic Acid Signaling Is Required to Induce Flowering of Chrysanthemums Grown under Both Short and Long Days. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Jun 12;18(6): E1259(*Co-corresponding author)
9) Mao Yachao, Sun Jing, Cao Peipei , Zhang Rong , Fu Qike, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi, Jiang Jiafu*. Functional analysis of alternative splicing of the FLOWERING LOCUS T orthologous gene in Chrysanthemum morifolium. Horticulture Research. 2016, 3: 16058.
10) Liping Ren, Tao Liu, Yue Cheng, Jing Sun, Jiaojiao Gao, Bin Dong, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen and Jiafu Jiang*. Transcriptomic analysis of differentially expressed genes in the floral transition of the summer flowering chrysanthemum. BMC Genomics (2016) 17:673 (IF, 4.40) 11) Jiaojiao Gao, Jing Sun, Peipei Cao, Liping Ren, Chen Liu, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen, and Jiang Jiafu*. Variation in tissue Na+ content and the activity of SOS1 genes among two species and two related genera of Chrysanthemum. BMC Plant Biol. 2016; 16: 98 (IF, 3.94)
12) Bin Dong, Haibin Wang, Aiping Song, Tao Liu, Yun Chen, Weimin Fang, Sumei Chen, Fadi Chen, Zhiyong Guan* and Jiafu Jiang*. miRNAs Are Involved in Determining the Improved Vigor of Autotetrapoid Chrysanthemum nankingense. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1412. (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 3.948)
13) Wang Haibin, Qi Xiangyu, Chen Sumei, Fang Weimin, Guan Zhiyong, Teng Nianjun, Liao Yuan, Jiang Jiafu*& Chen Fadi*. Limited DNA methylation variation and the transcription of MET1 and DDM1 in the genus Chrysanthemum (Asteraceae): following the track of polyploidy. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 668. (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 3.948)
14) Ren Liping, Sun Jing, Chen Sumei, Gao Jiaojiao, Dong Bin, Liu Yanan, Xia Xiaolong, Wang Yinjie, Liao Yuan, Teng Nianjun, Fang Weimin, Guan Zhiyong, Chen Fadi*, Jiang Jiafu*. A transcriptomic analysis of Chrysanthemum nankingense provides insights into the basis of low temperature tolerance. BMC Genomics, 15:844, 2014 (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 4.40)
15) Sun Jing, Ren Liping, Cheng Yue, Gao Jiaojiao, Dong Bin, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi*, Jiang Jiafu*. Identification of differentially expressed genes in Chrysanthemum nankingense (Asteraceae) under heat stress by RNA Seq. Gene, 552: 59-66, 2014 (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 2.08)
16) Zhao Min, Song Aiping, Li Peiling, Chen Sumei, Jiang Jiafu*, Fadi Chen*. A bHLH transcription factor regulates iron intake under Fe deficiency in chrysanthemum. Scientific Reports, 4, 6694, 2014 (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 5.08)
17) Huiyun Li, Sumei Chen, Aiping Song, Haibin Wang, Weimin Fang, Zhiyong Guan, Jiafu Jiang*, Fadi Chen*. RNA-Seq derived identification of differential transcription in the chrysanthemum leaf following inoculation with Alternaria tenuissima. BMC Genomics. 15:9, 2014 (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 4.40).
18) Wang Haibin, Jiang Jiafu*, Chen Sumei, Fang Weimin, Guan Zhiyong, Liao Yuan, Chen Fadi*. Rapid genomic and transcriptomic alterations induced by wide hybridization: Chrysanthemum nankingense x Tanacetum vulgare and C. crassum x Crossostephium chinense (Asteraceae). BMC Genomics. 14: 902, 2013 (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 4.40).
19) Liu Peng, Chen Sumei, Song Aiping, Zhao Shuang, Fang Weimin, Guan Zhiyong, Liao Yuan, Jiang Jiafu*, Fadi Chen*. A putative high affinity phosphate transporter CmPT1, enhances tolerance to Pi deficiencyof chrysanthemum. BMC Plant Biology. 14:18, 2014 (*Co-corresponding author; IF, 3.94)
20) Jiafu Jiang, Bangshing Wang, Yun Shen, Hui Wang, Qing Feng, Huazhong Shi. The Arabidopsis RNA binding protein with K homology motifs, SHINY1, interacts with the C-terminal domain phosphatase-like 1 (CPL1) to repress stress-inducible gene expression. PLoS Genetics. 9(7): e1003625, 2013 ( IF, 9.44).
21) Chen Yu§, Jiang Jiafu§, Song Aiping, Chen Sumei, Shan Hong, Luo Huolin, Gu Chunsun, Sun Jing, Zhu Lu, Fang Weimin, Chen Fadi. Ambient temperature enhanced freezing tolerance of Chrysanthemum dichrum CdICE1 Arabidopsis via miR398. BMC Biology. 11:121, 2013 ( §Co-first author; IF, 6.53).
22) Li J§, Jiang JF§, Qian Q§, Xu Y, Zhang C, Xiao J, Du C, Luo W, Zou G, Chen M, Huang Y, Feng Y, Cheng Z, Yuan M, Chong K. Mutation of rice BC12/GDD1, which encodes a Kinesin-like protein that binds to a GA biosynthesis gene promoter, leads to dwarfism with impaired cell elongation. The Plant Cell. 23: 628–640, 2011 ( §Co-first author; IF, 9.396).
23) Baek Daek§, Jiang Jiafu§, Chung Jung-Sung§, Wang Bangshing, Chen Junping, Xin Zhanguo, Shi Huazhong. AtHKT1 Gene expression regulated by a distal enhancer element and DNA methylation in promoter plays an important role in salt tolerance. Plant Cell and Physiology. 52(1): 149~61. 2011( §Co-first author co-first author)
24) Yang Wannian, Jiang Danhua, Jiang Jiafu, He Yuehui. A novel and plant-specific histone H3 lysine-4 demethylase required for floral repression. Plant Journal. 62: 663~73. 2010
25) Jiang JF§, Li J§, Xu Y, Han Y, Bai Y, Zhou G, Lou Y, Xu Z, Chong K. RNAi knockdown of OsRMC led to altered root development and coiling which were mediated by jasmonic acid signaling in rice. Plant, Cell and Environment. 30(6): 690~699,2007(IF, 5.081) ( §Co-first author) 26) Jiang J, Xu Y, Chong K. Overexpression of OsJAC1, a lectin gene, suppresses the coleoptile and stem elongation in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 49 (2): 230~237,2007. (IF 3.448)
27) Zhuang X§, Jiang JF§, Li J, Ma Q, Xu Y, Xue Y, Xu Z, Chong K. Over-expression of OsAGAP, an ARF-GAP, interferes with auxin influx, vesicle trafficking and root development. The Plant Journal. 48(4): 581~591,2006. (§Co-first author; IF, 6.946)
28) Jiang JF, Han Y, Xing L, Xu Y, Xu Z, Chong K. Cloning and expression of a novel cDNA encoding a mannose-specific jacalin-related lectin from Oryza sativa. Toxicon. 47(1): 133~139,2006. (IF, 2.128).
29) Xu M§, Jiang JF§, Ge L, Xu Y, Chen H, Zhao Y, Bi Y, Wen J, Chong K. FPF1 transgene leads to altered flowering time and root development in rice. Plant Cell Reports. 24: 79~85, 2005.(§Co-first author).
30) 邓叶,阳淑金,杜新平,董彬,任丽萍,房伟民,陈发棣,蒋甲福*. 菊花高效瞬时转 化体系建立及稳定遗传植株再生. 南京农业大学学报. 2017, 40 (1):48-53.