发布时间:2014-12-29 浏览次数:










Email: wzhang25@njau.edu.cn


2005 年,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,博士。

2006.4-2008.12,美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校园艺系(Horticulture Department University of Wisconsin-Madison),Research Associate

2009.1-2012.11,美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校园艺系,Associate Scientist

2012 12 月,南京农业大学农学院作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室,教授, 博士生导师。

2014 年,美国威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校园艺系, “Honorary Associate/Fellow”

2013 年,美国威斯康辛大学农业与生命科学学院 2012-2013 年度杰出研究人员 Academic Staff Excellence in Research Awards)。

2014 年,江苏省双创人才。 目前在《Plant Physiology》、《Plant Cell》、《Genome Research》和《PNAS 等杂志上发表第一或通讯作者论文18篇。参编学术专著3篇,受邀国际会议(PAG Plant & Animal Genomic Conference)报告 3 次。

主要研究方向:植物表观基因组学 1.植物 R-loop 生物学 2.作物氮高效利用的表观分子基础。


1. Zhao HN* , Zhang WL *,¶ ( * co-first author; ¶ co-correspondence author), Chen LF, Wang L, Marand AP, Wu YF, and Jiang JM*,¶. 2018. Genome-wide mapping of open chromatin revealed proliferation of regulatory DNA elements derived from transposable elements in maize genome. Plant physiol 176:2789-2803

2. Pan XC#, Fang Y# (co-first author), Yang XM, Zheng DY, Chen LF,Wang L, Xiao J, Wang XE, Wang K, Cheng, ZK, Yu HX, and Zhang WL (correspondence author). 2017. Chromatin states responsible for the regulation of differentially expressed genes under 60Co~γ ray radiation in rice. BMC genomics 18:778

3. Liu Y# , Zhang WL# (co-first author), Zhang K, Yiu Q, Yan HY, Jiao YN, Jiang JM, Xu WY, Su Z. 2017. Genome-wide mapping of DNase I hypersensitive sites reveals chromatin accessibility changes in Arabidopsis euchromatin and heterochromatin in regions under extended darkness. Scientific reports 7:4093

4. Zhang K, Xu WY, Wang CC, Yi X, Zhang WL# ( # co-correspondence author), Su Z # . 2017. Differential deposition of H2A.Z in combination with histone modifications within related genes in rice callus and seedling. Plant J,89:264-277

5. Fang Y, Wang L,Wang XM,You Q, Pan XC, Xiao J, Wang XE, Wu YF, Su Z# , Zhang WL# ( # co-correspondence author).2016. Histone modifications facilitate the coexpression of bidirectional promoters in rice. BMC genomics 17:768

6. Fang Y, Wang XM, Wang L, Pan XC, Xiao J, Wang XE, Wu YF, Zhang WL (correspondence author).2016. Functional characterization of open chromatin in bidirectional promoters of rice. Scientific Reports 6:32088 7. Zhu B*, Zhang WL*, Zhang T*, Liu B, Jiang JM. 2015. Open Chromatin Signature-based Enhancer Prediction and Validation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, 27:2415-2426 (*Co-first author)

8. Zhang T*, Zhang WL*, Jiang JM. 2015. Genome-Wide Nucleosome Occupancy and Positioning and Their Impact on Gene Expression and Genome Evolution in Plants. Plant Physiol. 168:1406-1416 (*Co-first author)

9. Zhang WL, Zhang T, Wu YF, Jiang JM (2014). Open chromatin in plant genomes. Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 143:18-27.

10. Zhang T*, Talbert PB*, Zhang WL*, Wu YF, Yang ZJ, Henikoff J, Henikoff S, Jiang JM. 2013. The CentO satellites confers translational and rotational phasing on cenH3 nucleosomes in rice centromeres. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110: E4875-E4883 (*Co-first author).

11. Yi CD, Zhang WL*, Dai XB, Li X, Gong ZY, Zhou Y, Liang GH, Gu MH. 2013. Identification and diversity of functional centromere satellite in the wild rice species Oryza brachyantha. Chromosome Res. 21:725-737. (*Co-first author)

12. Zhang WL, Zhang T, Wu YF, and Jiang JM. 2012. Mapping regulatory DNA elements and protein-binding footprints using signatures of open chromatin in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, 24:2719-2731.

13. Zhang WL, Wu YF, Schnable JC, Zeng ZX, Freeling M, Crawford GE, and Jiang JM. 2012. High-resolution mapping of open chromatin in the rice genome. Genome Res. 22: 151-162.

14. Zhang WL, Friebe B, Gill BS, and Jiang JM. 2010. Centromere inactivation and epigenetic modifications of a plant chromosome with three functional centromeres. Chromosoma 119: 553-63.

15. Zhang WL, Wai C, Ming R, Yu Q, and Jiang J. 2010. Integration of genetic and cytological maps and development of a pachytene chromosome-based karyotype in papaya. Tropical Plant Biology 3: 166-70.

16. Lu JY*, Zhang WL*, Xue H, Pan Y, Zhang CH, He XH, and Liu M. 2010. Changes in AFLP and SSR DNA polymorphisms induced by short-term space flight of rice seeds. Biol. Plantarum 54: 112-116. (*Co-first author)

17. Zhang WL, Wang XE, Yu QY, Ming R, and Jiang JM. 2008. DNA methylation and heterochromatinization in the male-specific region of the primitive Y chromosome of papaya. Genome Res.

18: 1938-1943. 18. Zhang WL, Lee H-R, Koo D-K, Jiang JM. 2008. Epigenetic modification of centromeric chromatin: Hypomethylation of DNA sequences in the CENH3-associated chromatin in Arabidopsis thaliana and maize. Plant Cell 20: 25-34.

19. Zhang WL, Yi CD, Bao WD, Liu B, Cui JJ, Yu HX, Cao XF, Gu MH, Min Liu, and Cheng ZK. 2005. The Transcribed 165-bp CentO is the major functional centromeric element in the wild rice species Oryza punctata. Plant Physiol. 139: 306-315.


1. Zhang WL (correspondence author) and Jiang JM (2018). Application of MNase-seq in the global mapping of nucleosome positioning in plants. In: Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Transcription Factor. 1830:353-366.

2. Zhang WL and Jiang JM (2015). Genome-wide mapping of DNaseI hypersensitive sites in plants. In: Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Functional Genomics.1284:71-89.

3. Zhang WL and Jiang JM (2014) Molecular Cytogenetics of Papaya. In: Genetics and Genomics of Papaya. Ray M and Moore P (ed.) Springer p157-167, ISBN: 978-1-4614-8086-0 (Print) 978-1-4614-8087-7


1. Wenli Zhang (报告人) Open chromatin associated with plant genome. National Congress of Plant Biology. Oct.9-11, 2013. Zhongshan Hotel, Nanjing, China.

2. Wenli Zhang (报告人), Chingman Wai, Qingyi Yu, Ray Ming, and Jiming Jiang. Cytological characterization of the papaya genome. In: Abstract of Plant &Animal Genomics XX Conference. Jan. 14-18, 2012. Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, CA.USA. P: W310.

3. Wenli Zhang (报告人), Xiue Wang, Qingyi Yu, Ray Ming, and Jiming Jiang. Epigenetic modifications in the male-specific region of the primitive Y chromosome of papaya. In: Abstract of Plant &Animal Genomics XVII Conference. Jan. 10-14, 2009. Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, CA.USA. P: W355.

招生招聘: 欢迎对植物表观基因组学和生物信息研究方向感兴趣,具有生物信息、或生 理生化和分子生物学等研究背景的优秀毕业生加入;同时热忱欢迎对本实验室研 究方向感兴趣的学生前来攻读硕、博士学位。