博士,博士生导师。 邮箱:baoliangzhou@njau.edu.cn 办公室:理科楼A420。 1985年、1988年、2008年毕业于南京农业大学作物遗传育种专业,分别获学士、硕士、博士学位。 2002年晋升教授(研究员)职称。国家“百千万人才工程”首批培养人选 (1995-1996年),1998年获得国务院政府特殊津贴。长期从事棉花野生资源优异基因发掘与种质创新研究。现主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发等课题。 研究工作简历:1988年-2002年8月,在江苏省农业科学院从事棉花重要性状基因的发掘利用、优质棉的种质创新和细胞遗传等研究。2000年1月至2001年1月作为访问学者公派赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学和昆士兰州基础产业部(QDPI)学习棉花分子生物学技术。2003年9月调至南京农业大学从事棉花野生资源优异基因发掘与种质创新、分子细胞遗传研究与分子设计育种。 主要科研学术成就:建立了比较完善的棉花远缘杂交技术创新体系,包括建立的稳定可靠的幼胚拯救和染色体加倍技术,为克服种间不亲和性和杂种不育性提供了技术支撑,建立的适用于棉花的分子细胞遗传新技术,为后代快速高效鉴定外源染色体奠定了坚实基础;人工合成了棉花多种双二倍体,创建了首套完整的陆地棉—野生棉异附加系及陆地棉-澳洲棉部分易位系和代换系,创制的源于野生棉渐渗的优异纤维种质系供国内育种单位广泛应用,其指标超过美国高品质的PD种质系和Acala SJ系统品种,也超过以高品质著称的海岛棉,拓宽了栽培棉的遗传基础,为育种提供了新基因源。主持完成了国家转基因专项重点项目“抗虫、优质、抗病、养分高效利用转基因棉花新品种的培育”(2009ZX08005-010B),主持完成了5项国家自然科学基金面上项目,以通讯作者或第一作者在Genome Biology,Theor Appl Genet, BMC Plant Biol, BMC Genomics, Plant J, J Integ Plant Biol 等SCI期刊发表学术论文。 获奖成果与授权专利: 1. 中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖(等同于科研成果一等奖): “棉纤维发育的基因组学与分子育种创新团队” (4/11)(2013年11月) 2. 中华农业科技奖二等奖:优质棉新品种的创制、栽培及其产业化(4/15)(2011年10月) 3. 教育部技术发明一等奖:优质棉的种质创新与分子育种(3/15)(2006年) 4.专利:一种克服陆地棉-特纳氏棉双二倍体与陆地棉杂交不亲和性的胚拯救方法(ZL201610693253.0)。发明人:周宝良,陈于。 5.专利:棉花超强纤维种质库高效杂交育种方法 (ZL03113050.X )。发明人:周宝良,陈松,沈新莲,张香桂,张震林。 6.专利:金标记免疫吸附法检测转Bt基因抗虫棉获得(ZL03113049.6 )。发明人:陈松,周宝良。 7.专利:一种转基因植物GUS报告基因组化检测的改进方法(ZL03152835.X)。发明人:张震林,周宝良,陈松,张香桂。 8.专利:动物角蛋白转基因棉纤维及其基因工程方法(ZL99 1 13430.3)。发明人:陈晓亚,于晓红,朱勇清,周宝良,林芝萍,贾军伟。 9.专利:蚕丝心蛋转基因棉纤维及其基因工程生产方法( ZL02111145 )。发明人:陈晓亚,朱勇清,许可香,周宝良,陈松,林芝萍。 近五年以通讯作者或第一作者发表的SCI论文: 1. Ting Zhao, Xiaoyuan Tao, Shouli Feng, Luyao Wang, Hui Hong, Wei Ma, Guandong Shang, Shisong Guo, Yuxin He, Baoliang Zhou* and Xueying Guan*. LncRNAs in polyploid cotton interspecific hybrids are derived from transposon neofunctionalization. Genome Biology (2018) 19:195 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-018-1574-2 2. Ting Zhao, Luyao Wang, Sai Li, Min Xu, Xueying Guan and Baoliang Zhou*. Characterization of conserved circular RNA in polyploidy Gossypium species and their ancestors. FEBS Letters (2017) doi:10.1002/1873-3468.12868 3. Yu Chen, Yu Chen, Shouli Feng, Ting Zhao, Baoliang Zhou*. Overcoming obstacles to interspecific hybridization between Gossypium hirsutum and G. turneri. Euphytica 2018, 214:35 4. Dong Tang, Shouli Feng, Sai Li, Yu Chen, Baoliang Zhou*. Ten alien chromosome additions of Gossypium hirsutum–Gossypium bickii developed by integrative uses of GISH and species-specifc SSR markers. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-018-1434-5 5. Wang Xiaoxiao,Wang Yingying,Wang Chen,Chen Yu,Chen Yu,Feng Shouli,Zhao Ting, Zhou Baoliang*. Characterization of eleven monosomic alien addition lines added from Gossypium anomalum to Gossypium hirsutum usingimproved GISH and SSR markers. BMC Plant Biology,2016.10.7,16 6. Zhang Shuwen,Lan Qianqian,Gao Xiang,Yang Biao,Cai Caiping,Zhang Tianzhen, Zhou Baoliang*. Mapping of genes for flower-related traits and QTLs for flowering time in an interspecific population of Gossypium hirsutum x G. darwinii. Journal of Genetics,2016.3.01,95(1):197~201 7. Zeng Yan-Da,Sun Jun-Ling,Bu Su-Hong,Deng Kang-Sheng,Tao Tao,Zhang Yuan-Ming,Zhang Tian-Zhen,Du Xiong-Ming*, Zhou Bao-Liang*. EcoTILLING revealed SNPs in GhSus genes that are associated with fiber- and seed-related traits in upland cotton. Scientific Reports,2016.7.7,6 8. Zhang Shu-Wen,Zhu Xie-Fei,Feng Liu-Chun,Gao Xiang,Yang Biao,Zhang Tian-Zhen,Zhou Bao-Liang*. Mapping of fiber quality QTLsreveals useful variation and footprints of cotton domestication using introgression lines. Scientific Reports,2016.8.23,6 9. Shuwen Zhang,Liuchun Feng,Luting Xing,Biao Yang,Xiang Gao,Xiefei Zhu,Tianzhen Zhang,Baoliang Zhou*. New QTLs for lint percentage and boll weight mined in introgression lines from two feral landraces into Gossypium hirsutum acc TM-1. Plant Breeding,2016.01.01,135:90~101 10. Yu Chen, Yingying Wang, Ting Zhao, Jianwei Yang, Shouli Feng, Wajad Nazeer, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*. A new synthetic amphiploid (AADDAA) between Gossypium hirsutum and G. arboreum lays the foundation for transferring resistances to Verticillium and drought. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0128981 (IF=3.234) 11. Quan Liu, Yu Chen, Yu Chen, Yingying Wang, Jinjin Chen, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*. A new synthetic allotetraploid (A1A1G2G2) between Gossypium herbaceum and G. australe: bridging for simultaneously transferring favorable genes from these two diploid species into Upland cotton. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(4): e0123209 12. Shuwen Zhang, Ting Wang, Quan Liu, Xiang Gao, Xiefei Zhu, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*. Quantitative trait locus analysis of boll-related traits in an intraspecific population of Gossypium hirsutum. Euphytica, 2015, 203:121–144 13. Jinlei Han, Baoliang Zhou(共同第一), Wenbo Shan, Liying Yu, Weiren Wu, jiming Jiang, and Kai Wang*. A and D genomes spatial separation at somatic metaphase in tetraploidcotton: evidence for genomic disposition in a polyploid plant. Plant J, 2015 doi: 10.1111/tpj.13074. (IF=5.972) 14. Shuwen Zhang, Liuchun Feng, Luting Xing, Biao Yang, Xiang Gao, Xiefei Zhu, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*. New QTLs for lint percentage and boll weight mined in introgression lines from two feral landraces into Gossypium hirsutum acc TM-1. Plant Breeding, 135, 90–101 (2016) 15. Shuwen Zhang, Qianqian Lan, Xiang Gao, Biao Yang, Caiping Cai, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*. Mapping of genes for flower-related traits and QTLs for flowering time in an interspecific population of Gossypiumhirsutum × G. darwinii. J Genet, 2015, 95, 197–201 16. Yu Chen, Yingying Wang, Kai Wang, Xiefei Zhu, Wangzhen Guo, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou∗. Construction of a complete set of alien chromosome addition lines from Gossypium australe in Gossypium hirsutum: morphological, cytological, and genotypic characterization. Theor Appl Genet, 2014,127:1105–1121 17. Wenpan Zhang, Yujie Cao, Kai Wang, Ting Zhao, Jiedan Chen, Mengqiao Pan, Qiong Wang, Shouli Feng, Wangzhen Guo, Baoliang Zhou*, Tianzhen Zhang*. Identification of centromeric regions on the linkage map of cotton using centromere-related repeats. Genomics, 2014, 104 587–593 18. Nazeer W, Tipu Al, Ahmad S, Mahmood K, Mahmood A, Zhou BL*. Evaluation of cotton leaf curl virus resistance in BC1, BC2, and BC3 progenies from an interspecific cross between Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium hirsutum. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(11): e111861 19. Nazeer W, Ahmad S, Mahmood K, Tipu AL, Mahmood A, Zhou B*. Introgression of genes for cotton leaf curl virus resistance and increased fiber strength from Gossypium stocksii into upland cotton (G. hirsutum). Genet. Mol. Res2014, 13 (1): 1133-1143 20. Tao Tao, Liang Zhao, Yuanda Lv, Jiedan Chen, Yan Hu, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*. Transcriptome Sequencing and Differential Gene Expression Analysis of Delayed Gland Morphogenesis in Gossypium australe during Seed Germination. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(9): e75323 21. Meiying Hou, Caiping Cai, Shuwen Zhang, Wangzhen Guo, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*. Construction of microsatellite-based linkage map and mapping of nectarilessness and hairiness genes in Gossypium tomentosum. J Genet, 2013, 92: 445–459 |